Always Adapt Never Die - Lead Pencil - My main brush, the pencil that I use to sketch and line the majority of my art. I recommend tweaking the pen pressure, anti-aliasing, angle, etc to your liking.

Always Adapt Never Die - Rainbow Pencil - A rainbow version of my main brush. I recommend tweaking the pen pressure, anti-aliasing, angle, etc to your liking.

Always Adapt Never Die - Shifting Pencil - A color shifting version of main brush, which picks hues adjacent to your main color. I recommend tweaking the pen pressure, anti-aliasing, angle, etc to your liking.

Melty Lineart ( Solid Colors ) - A set of auto actions that softens and blurs lineart, with selections for all general colors.

Blacklight Nostalgia - A set of retro gradients. These are best used as overlay, darken, multiply, add, divide, subtract, soft light, or hard light layer styles with adjusted opacity.

[ Clip Studio Assets. ]xxxxxxArt by LupeyLycan